Connecting my Wallet
The first step is simply going to www.hootdex.net and connecting your Pecu Novus Wallet to HootDex. Initially the Pecu Novus Mobile Wallet will be integrated however other wallets may be integrated over time to provide ease of use. This promotes self custody of digital assets.
Once your wallet is connected you are able to swap for other digital assets on HootDex. Wallets can be disconnected at any time.
The MVault Connection
The MVault is a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes and individuals at all levels. It allows for the placing of digital assets in a digital safety deposit box as well as placing them in escrow for a transaction at zero cost.
First step is to set up your MVault account on HootDex and once that is done it is as simple as connecting your wallet that is authorized to connect to the MVault.
Protecting members is priority number one and that makes security and self custody priority number one, with that said although it is convenient to have a lot of connectivity with various wallets, it is imperative that we are able to protect members who use HootDex. So not all wallets will be allowed to connect to the MVault. Initially the Pecu Novus Mobile Wallet will be allowed because that holds proprietary encryption protocols preventing fraud or theft.